Gower, John (1325-1408). Jo. Gower de confessione amantis. London: Thomas Berthelette, 1532.

The Confessio Amantis of John Gower (1325-1408), a series of stories told by an aging lover, shared a great deal of thematic material with Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (for example: the "Manciple's Tale" originated in Ovid, which both authors knew; Gower's "Tale of Florent" paralleled the "Wife of Bath's Tale"; and the story of Phyllis and Denophon appeared also in the Legend of Good Women), but there is probably little or no direct influence of either work on the other, although some scholars have argued for some verbal sniping between the two authors (they were, in fact, friends). The first edition of the Confessio was printed by William Caxton in 1483; this second edition of the Confessio Amantis was dedicated to King Henry VIII.

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