Domesday Book. [Domesday-book : seu liber censualis Willelmi Primi regis Angliæ, inter archivos regni in domo capitulari Westmonasterii asservatus: jubente rege augustissimo Georgio Tertio prælo mandatus typis ...] Ed. Abraham Farley. London, 1783.

The Domesday Book was a survey of William I's feudal holdings in England and a document intended to institutionalize the feudal structure after William's death. The work is broken down by county, landholder, and tenant property both at the time of composition (1086) and estimated at William's conquest in 1066 in order to provide a record of growth and to document land holdings in case of tenure disputes. The title pages given above were issued in 1816 by the Record Commission. Notre Dame's copies have the bookplate and signature of Thomas S. Jolliffe, Ammerdown, on the first page of text.

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