Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham (c. 955 - c. 1015. An English-Saxon Homily on the Birth-day of St. Gregory: Anciently Used in the English-Saxon Church. Giving an account of the conversion of the English from paganism to Christianity. London: W. Bowyer, 1709.

Elizabeth Elstob (1683-1756) was the first female Anglo-Saxonist, an Anglican controversialist, and supporter of women's education. Aelfric's homilies were a frequent source of material for the Church of England in its efforts to demonstrate that English Christianity was more authentic than Roman Catholicism, especially with respect to transubstantiation. In addition to this homily, Elstob published in 1715 The English-Saxon Homilies of Aelfric, Arch-Bishop of Canterbury in order to argue for the Church of England's "purity from many of those popish innovations and corruptions, which were afterward introduced into the church."

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