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Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (1811-1888). Vida de Facundo Quiroga i aspecto físico, costumbres i hábitos de la República Argentina, seguida de apuntes biográficos sobre el jeneral Frai Félix Aldao / por el autor de Arjirópolis. Santiago de Chile: J. Belin, 1851. Edition 2a ed.,

Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (1811-1888). Life in the Argentine Republic… Translated by Mary Mann. New York: Hurd and Houghton, 1868


The Notre Dame libraries have the second edition of Sarmiento’s Facundo. The first edition is very rare and difficult to acquire. Sarmiento included a new section on Fray Félix Aldao, the federalist general, who like Facundo, was known for his violent acts against the Unitarios. Undoubtedly, Sarmiento chose Aldao for this reason, further strengthening his argument against the barbarism of the Federalists.

The first English language edition by Sarmiento’s good friend, Mary Mann of Boston, was probably translated from an earlier French edition. Mann and Sarmiento met when he traveled to the United States as a Chilean ambassador to study educational methods in 1847. Mrs. Mann was the wife of Horace Mann, the great American educator.

They corresponded regularly while Mann translated Facundo into English. The Notre Dame Libraries recently purchased "My Dear Sir:" Mary Mann’s letters to Sarmiento (1865-1881). Buenos Aires : ICANA, 2001. F2846 .S36 A4 2001b. The works contains over 200 letters from Mann to Sarmiento.

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