Libri editi a venerabili patre Vincentio Belvacensi: Liber gratiae, Liber laudum Virginis gloriosae, Liber de sancto Iohanne evangelista, Liber de eruditione puerorum regalium, Liber consolatorius de morte amici (Basel: Johann Amerbach, 1481) . This book was a gift to the library from Astrik L. Gabriel. Vincent of Beauvais, O.P. (1264) wrote huge encyclopedic works summarizing all the knowledge of his time. This volume, printed by the renowned humanist scholar and publisher, Johann Amerbach of Basel, contains a number of Vincent's smaller treatises. This is the first book printed by Amerbach in which he mentions his name in the colophon on the last verso: "Perlege diuina vatumque volumina lector:/ Et simul hoc nostrum concelebrabis opus./ Ingenium moresque viri pressoris et artem:/ Regia commendat vrbs Basilea satis./ De Amerbach natus nomen sibi forte Iohannes:/ Finem operi imposuit: dum pia virgo parit./ Idibus decembribus Anno a Christi natali die Octua/ gesimoprimo supra millesimum quaterque centisimum/ Bene Uale Lector." References: Goff V-277; Kaeppeli nos 3998, 4002-4; Masin 133-34 no 71.
Catalogue No. 24