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Anselmo |
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Fernanda, and Marco Menato. La
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de Heredia |
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80, 90, 105). Baden-Baden: V. Koerner, 1981-86. Benzing is the author
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Gedeon. Clavis
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Corbett |
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Getino |
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Geyer |
Bernhard. Die
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Goff |
Goff, Frederick
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GW |
der Wiegendrucke. Edited by the Commission for the Gesamtkatalog.
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Aureliensis: Catalogus librorum sedecimo impressorum. 10 volumes
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Brigitte, and others, following the manuscripts of Phillipe Renouard.
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Kaeppeli |
Thomas, O.P. Scriptores
ordinis praedicatorum medii aevi. 4 volumes, with Addenda
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Kisky |
Hans. "Woensam von Worms, Anton," in Allgemeines
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36 (Leipzig, 1947): 165-68. |
Künzle |
Pius, O.P., ed., Heinrich
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Llaneza |
Maximino. Bibliografía
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Marimon |
Josep-Maria Madurell i. Claudi Bornat (Premi Francesc Carreras
Candi 1972). Barcelona: Fundacio Salvador Vives Casajuana, 1973. |
Masin |
Anton C. Incunabula
typographica: Catalog of Fifteenth-Century Books held by the Memorial
Library of the University of Notre Dame. with a preface by
Astrik L. Gabriel. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1979.
References cite page and entry numbers. |
Meuthen |
Erich. "Thomas von Aquin auf den Provinzialkonzilien zu Mainz und
Köln 1451 und 1452," in Köln,
Stadt und Bistum und Reich des Mittelalters: Festschrift für
Odilo Engels zum 65. Geburtstag, 641 58. Edited by H. Vollrath
and S. Weinfurter, Cologne: Böhlau Verlag, 1993. |
Mortimer |
Ruth. Harvard
College Library Department of Printing and Graphic Arts Catalogue
of Books and Manuscripts. Part II: Italian 16th Century Books.
2 volumes. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Belknap Press (of Harvard
University Press), 1974. References cite volume, page and entry numbers. |
Quétif |
Échard Quétif,
Jacques, O.P., and Jacques Échard, O.P. Scriptores
ordinis praedicatorum recensiti, notisque historicis et criticis illustrati...
2 volumes, each in 2 parts. Originally published in Paris, 1719-23;
reprinted New York: Burt Franklin, 1959-61. References cite volume
and column numbers. |
de historia de las ciencias eclesiasticas en España
(Corpus Scriptorum Sacrorum Hispaniae: Estudios). 7 volumes. Salamanca:
Instituto de Historia de la Teologia Española, 1967-79.
Rhodes |
Dennis E.
Annali tipografici di Lazzaro de' Soardi (Biblioteca di
Bibliografia Italiana 82). Florence: Leo S. Olschki, 1978. References
cite entry numbers. |
Ritter |
Fr. Répertoire
bibliographique des livres du XVIe siècle qui se trouvant à
la Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg.
4 volumes. Strasbourg: Editions P.H. Heitz, 1937-55. References cite
volume, page and entry numbers. |
Schüling |
Joachim. Der
Drucker Ludwig von Renchen und seine Offizin: Ein Beitrag zur Gechichte
der Kölner Buchdrucks (Wissenschaftliche Beiträge
aus dem Deutschen Bucharchiv München 41). Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz,
1992. |
Schutte |
Anne Jacobson. Printed
Italian Vernacular Religious Books 1465-1550: A Finding List.
Geneva: Librairie Droz, 1983. References cite page numbers. |
Thomas |
Henry. Short-title
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in Europe before 1601 now in the British Museum. London: British
Museum, 1921. References cite page numbers and the call numbers in
the British Library. |
VD16 |
der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienen Drucke des XVI. Jahrhunderts
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with the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel. 22 volumes.
Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 1983-95. References cite volume and page
numbers, with entry numbers in parentheses. |
Vindel |
Francisco. Escudos
y marcas de impressores y libreros en España durante los siglos
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