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    Giovanni Ignazio Molina, 1740-1829. Compendio de la historia geográfica, natural y civil del Reyno de Chile, escrito en italiano / por el abate Don Juan Ignacio Molina. Primera Parte, que abraza la historia geográfica y natural... Madrid: Por Don Antonio de Sancha, Año 1788.


    The expulsion of the Jesuits from Latin America in 1767 led to a backlash against Spain. Several Jesuits wrote works critical of the Spanish administration. These works also promoted an identity for the region, downplaying economic and cultural dependency on Spain. Spain’s European competitors recognized the damage these books would do to Spain. They rapidly translated and published these works domestically. The books are from the Hesburgh Library’s Durand Library.

    See also Francesco Saverio Clavigero.

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