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    [Collected responses to Manuel Dorrego’s September 14, 1827 address.] 1827.


    The level of disparaging rhetoric found in these Unitario works characterizes the rising tensions between the Federalists and Unitarios. The three works bound together here challenge the newly installed provincial governor of Buenos Aires, Manuel Dorrego. The title page shown here, Impugnacion a la respuesta dada al mensage del gobierno de 14 de setiembre último, is published anonymously by "an observer". Another response, by Rivadavia’s General of the Argentine Army and one of the founders of Argentine independence, Carlos de Alvear, refutes the charges made against the army’s performance during the war against Brazil over the Banda Oriental (what became Uruguay in 1828).

    These published responses against the government show that the free press supported by Rivadavia was still in effect. Rosas would suppress the publication of works critical to his regime when he took power in 1829.

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