Asesinato del gobernador, de la provincia de Buenos-Ayres, y executivo nacional de la república Argentina, Coronel Dn. Manuel Dorrego.
Londres: [s.n.], 1829.
Manuel Dorrego served as governor of the Buenos Aires province in 1827-28. While he was a leading federalist, he willingly worked with the Unitarios. The Unitarios would capture and assassinate him in 1828. His funeral that year is captured in this lithograph. Dorregos assassination opened the way for Juan Manuel Rosas rise to the governorship of the province of Buenos Aires and 20 some years of dictatorship over the country.
This item is bound with Oración fúnebre en honor del Exmo. Sr D. Manuel Dorrego, 1829; and Exposición dirigida a las provincias unidas del río de la plata, 1829.
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