Juan José Alvarez.
Memoria histórica de la guerra civil en el año de 1822 en la provincia de Entre-Rios y en el gobierno constitucional del General Don Lúcio Mansilla.
Paraná, Argentina: Tipografía y Encuadernación "La Velocidad", 1890.
Alvarez, a priest in Paraná, Entre Ríos, tells of the instability within Entre Ríos during the governorship of Lúcio N. Mansilla, a federalist who married Juan Manuel Rosas sister and became prominent in Rosas government. Several attempts were made to overthrow the governor. When Lúcas Piris was killed trying to assassinate Mansilla, his body was hung in the central plaza for 24 hours to warn others.
Mansillas son, Lúcio V. Mansilla, wrote one of the finest Argentine works of the nineteenth century, Una excursión a los indios ranqueles (A Visit to the Ranquel Indians), on his peace negotiations with Indians of the pampas.
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