University of Notre Dame


Hesburgh Libraries

Rare Books & Special Collections

Heraldic Resources Online


Variety of heraldic information, including an illustrated glossary, an atlas, links to several FAQs, and essays on a variety of topics, including Academic Heraldry and Papal Heraldry.

Heraldry on the Internet

A site designed to assist one in conducting heraldic research. Provides links to various heraldry resources available online, including Pimbley's Dictionary on Heraldry, and essays about heraldic topics.

Heraldry WebRing

A WebRing connecting sites relating to the art and science of Heraldry.

Cyber Journal of Heraldic Bookplates

Part of an Web site dedicated to bookplate/ex libris collecting (The Art of the Ex Libris), which includes an historical overview of bookplate collecting in general.