Guillaume Pepin Opusculum reverendi patris fratris Guillielmi Pepin, sacre Theologie professoris Parisiensis clarissimi, ordinis predicatorum, Super Confiteor (Paris: Ambroise Girault, 1540) . Guillaume Pepin, O.P. (1533), graduate of the Sorbonne, was renowned for his annual Advent and Lenten sermons in Paris. Besides sermon collections, he wrote a commentary on Genesis according to its fourfold sense and devotional works on the rosary. The text printed in this volume is a confessional manual treating sins of the heart, sins of the tongue, sins of commission and omission, and contrition and satisfaction. Each of the over 150 chapters begins with the verse, "Confiteor tibi Domini, Pater celi et terra" (Matt. 11:25). This is the third Parisian edition of the work; for the printer, Ambroise Girault, see catalogue n° 59. References: Adams 2: 58 no 623; IA 3/3: 361; Quétif-Échard 2/1: 87a-88a.
Catalogue No. 48