Summa de articulis fidei et ecclesie sacramentis, edita a fratreThoma de Aquino ordinis fratrum praedicatorum (Mainz: Johann Gutenberg, before 1460) . This is the earliest printed text of a work by Thomas Aquinas (1274). Johann Gutenburg (ca. 1398-1468), the inventor of printing, may have been responding to strong market demand. During his Papal Legation through Germany, Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464) especially recommended Thomas's treatise on the articles of the faith for the instruction of parish priests, and his recommendation was enacted in provincial synods (1451-52). This volume has been rubricated by hand. The colophon of the book follows the typical manuscript form: "Explicit summa de articulis fidei et ecclesie scaramentis. edita a fratre thoma de aquino. ordinis fratrum predicatorum. ¶ Deo. Gracias ¶" (fol. 13r). An ex libris written on the empty fol. 13v states that the book belonged to the "Conuentus Franford," and is dated 1569. References: Goff T-273 (the Notre Dame copy is not cited); Masin 126-27 no 67; Meuthen.
Catalogue No. 11