Leonardi de Utino divini ordinis fratrum predicatorum Quadragesimales sermones de legibus (Ulm: Johann Zainer, 1478) . The Lenten sermons in this volume by the famous Domincan preacher, Leonardo di Matteo of Udine (1469), may be associated with the Lenten sermons he preached at S. Maria Novella in Florence in 1434. This is another book by a Dominican author printed by Johann Zainer (see catalogue n° 18). The elaborately printed book contains several reference tables at the end: an extensive alphabetical topical index, an index of scriptural authorities, and an index applying the materials of the Lenten sermons to the Sundays throughout the liturgical year. This copy has been decorated throughout with alternating red and blue initials that mark subdivisions in the sermons. Some sermons begin with large red and blue divided initials of the type found commonly in late-medieval manuscripts from the Low Countries and Germany; plate 8 shows a nice example beginning a sermon on the Passion for Good Friday ("Feria Sexta in passione domini. Sermo Tricesimusoctavus de consilio"). The verso opposite the first recto of the text bears an ex-libris from the Dominican convent near Württemberg dated 1484: "Conuentus Gamundiensis ordinis predicatorum 1484." References: Goff L-146; Kaeppeli no 2873; Masin 88-89 no 48.
Catalogue No. 20