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Ad Illvstrissimvm Cardinalem Toletanvm. Annotationes in Evangelia totius anni de tempore & Sanctis ex omni in vniuersum quae hucusque extat doctrina Admodum R.P. Magistri F. Ludouici Granatensis Ordinis Praedicatorum, Fratre Barnaba à Xea eiusdem instituti Collectore (Salamanca: Antonio Renaut for the Dominicans of St. Stephen, 1585) . As the title indicates, this book provides annotations drawn from the writings of Luis de Granada and translated into, or paraphrased in, Latin for the Gospels of the ferial and sanctoral cycles of the liturgical year, as well as for the Commons of Apostles, Martyrs, Confessors and Doctors, and Virgins. The compiler was Barnabe Xea, O.P., of Cuenca in Spain, about whom little else is known. The annotations are cross-referenced to Luis' works; in his Preface to the Christian reader, the editor explains his system of reference, which, in order to avoid the confusion caused by so many printed editions, resorts to an older, broader style of citation:
"Allegationes quae ad Conciones remittunt, per se satis aperte sunt, sed & ille quae ad Rhetoricae librum deseriunt, cum libros & capita citent, G. litera, librum designat cui nomen est Guia de Peccadores. O. la Oracion. M. el Memorial dela vida Christiana. Ad. Addiciones al Memorial. In libris quae ad deuotionem pertinent, vt in O. in M. in G. & in Add. neque folia neque paginas citamus, eo quod cum variae sint impressiones, variae & foliorum & paginarum computationes. Sed sic citamus, Considerationes, Meditationes, Regulas, quod facillimo negotio illa quae desiderat lector inueniat" (*7v). The title page states that this work was published "Apud S. Stephanum Ordinis Praedicatorum" in Salamanca; the colophon on the recto of the last leaf states that it was printed by Antonio Renaut, who was active for only a short time (1584-1585). Barnabe Xea dedicated his work to the Archbishop of Toledo, Don Gaspar de Quiroga. Pasted on the inside front cover of this copy is an armorial ex-libris label with the inscription: "BIBLIOTECA DEL DVQVE DE MEDINACELI Y SANTISTEBAN." References: IA 3/3: 226, 433 (Renaut); Llaneza 1: 268-69 n° 685; Quétif-Échard 2/1: 332b (Barnabas a Xea).
Catalogue No. 79