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Memorial de la vida Christiana . . . Compuesto por el R.P.F. Luys de Granada, dela orden de Sancto Domingo (Barcelona: Jaime Cendrat for Francisco Trinxer, 1588);

Gvia de Peccadores, en la qval se trata copiosamente de las grandes riquezas y hermosura dela virtud, y del camino que se ha de lleuar alcançarla. Compuesto por el R.P.F. Luys de Granada, dela orden de Sancto Domingo (Barcelona: Jaime Cendrat for Francisco Trinxer, 1588);

Libro dela Oracion y Meditacion: en el qval se trata de la consideracion delos principales mysterios de nuestra Fe. Con otros tres breues tratados dela Excellencia delas principales obras penitenciales: que son Lymosna, Ayuno, y Oracion. Compuesto por el R.P.F. Luys de Granada, dela orden de Sancto Domingo (Barcelona: Jaime Cendrat for Francisco Trinxer, 1588);

Elenchvs rervm omnivm qvae in libris omnibvs R.P.F. Lvdovici Granatensis (Qvi vvlgari sermone circunferuntur) continentur, in quo, quae Euangeliorum considerationibus accomodari possunt . . . Per Fratrem Alfonsum de Sançoles prouinciae S. Iacobi minoritam (Barcelona: Jaime Cendrat, 1588) .

This folio book, bound in parchment with the inscription "Obras de ffray lluis de Gra[nada]" on the spine, contains four separately printed works, all of which were produced in the same year (1588). The title pages of the Memorial, Guia de peccadores and the Libro de la Oracion y Meditacion, composed by Luis de Granada, display the elaborate device of the printer, Jaime Cendrat (active in Barcelona, 1578-1600), but omit his name, giving instead the name of the publisher, Francisco Trinxer (Trincher; active 1581-1596); the same mark with Cendrat's name appears on the last verso of the Memorial and on the recto of the last leaf of the Libro. Cendrat seems to have printed the topical index (Elenchus) to Luis' works independently.

This edition of the Memorial by Trincher and Cendrat presents the original seven parts of the work in two volumes (122 pp., 188 pp.; see catalogue n° 77). There follow Adiciones al Memorial de la vida Christiana, qve compvso el R.P. Fray Lvys de Granada de la Orden de Sancto Domingo, which comprise a treatise on the love of God and further meditations on the principal events and mysteries of the life of Christ. These Adiciones were first published separately in Salamanca in 1574 by Mathías Gast (Llaneza 2: 158-59 n° 1606); thereafter they accompanied the original redaction of the text in many editions. At the end of the volume (pp. 247-50) is printed the Philomena de sant Buenauentura, a poem in which the soul, aspiring to union with Christ, in the manner of a nightengale sings praises of Christ's life and virtues. These verses, actually composed by the thirteenth-century English Franciscan, John Pecham (Distelbrink 168-69 n° 179), accompanied the Adiciones al Memorial in another edition printed in 1588 at Gerona by Arnau Garich (Llaneza 1: 281 n° 733).

The Guia de peccadores, first printed in Lisbon in 1556 (Llaneza 2: 3-5 n° 1222), was one of Luis' most popular and widely published works. The first book contains three parts:

  1. An exhortation to virtue and to keeping the divine commandments
  2. A treatise on the spiritual and temporal goods that promote virtue
  3. Responses to the excuses that people give for not following the road to virtue
The second book contains two parts, concerning the doctrine and practice of the virtues. The preliminary letter to the Christian reader and prologue (¶2v-¶3r) to the work begin with historiated woodcuts, which appear elsewhere in the volumes: an initial P with the image of St. Peter and an initial D with the image of "S. Hanricvs. Carmelita." These woodcuts are rather unusual, in that they bear the inscription of the saints' names. We imagine that the image accompanying the initial D is in fact some saint whose name begins with that letter, but that the name "S. Hanricvs" has been supplied because Luis dedicated the work to Prince Henry of Portugal.

The Libro de la Oracion y Meditacion was first printed in 1554 in Salamanca by Andrés de Portonariis (catalogue n° 76 and n° 77; Llaneza 1: 1-2 n° 1). The work is divided into three parts treating prayer, "considerations" or meditations on the principal mysteries of the Catholic faith, and three small treatises on prayer, fasting and almsgiving.

The last work bound in the volume is an Elenchus or topical index to the Spanish text (despite the Latin title) of all of Luis de Granada's writings, arranged for preaching the Gospels of the liturgical year. This index of Luis' writings was not prepared by a fellow Dominican, but by a Franciscan, Alfonso de Sançoles (Sanzoles) of the province of Compostella; it was published for the first time in 1584 at Salamanca (Llaneza 1: 264 n° 673). Alfonso wrote commentaries on the Gospels in the Roman Missal and perhaps prepared this index of Luis' writings in connection with his own work. Llaneza cites the Trincher-Cendrat editions of Luis' Memorial, Guia de peccadores and Libro, but he did not see them and therefore does not describe them. He did, however, see and describe a copy of the Elenchus.

The first title page (the Memorial) of this book bears an ex-libris: "Ex libris Petri Antonij Gallard de Con[ . . . ] anno 1735."

References: IA 3/3: 38 (Trinxer); Llaneza 1: 60 no 95, 1: 284 no 748, 2: 42 no 1291, 2: 181 no 1654; Vindel 239 no 316.

Catalogue No. 78
Call Number: Rare Books DURAND AGL2602z      Catalog Record

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