Hieronimo Mutio (Padova, 1494 - Villa della Panaretta, Toscana,1576). Il Duello. Vinegia: Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari e Fratelli, 1550.

Muzio or Mutio, known as "Iustinopolitano", was an Italian writer whose work covered a variety of different subjects and interests. In 1550 he went to Venice to contact Giolito's printing house in order to publish his works: epistles, poetry and literary theory (Rime diverse and Arte poetica) and his treatise entitled Il duello ("The Duel"), which appeared with Le resposte cavalleresche del Mutio ("Mutio's chivalric replies"), letters in response to different gentlemen of his time related to the practice of duels and problems of honor.

Il duello gives rules for a practice which it neither recommends nor disapproves. It is intended to serve as a handbook for gentlemen.

The Durand collection holds the first edition of Il duelo--published by Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari and brothers, in Venice, 1550--, and the first Spanish translation of this work, entitled El duelo, translated by Alonso de Ulloa and published by the same printers in Venice (1552). Gabriel Giolito continued the work of his father Giovanni. He was active in Venice from 1538-1578 where he published numerous books by contemporary authors. He was associated with his brothers between 1550 and 1556. After his death, his sons Giovanni and Giovanni Paolo carried on the press until 1591.

The importance of duelling and its legal and personal implications can be traced in the numerous books related to that topic which were published in the second half of the 16th century. The Durand Collection is particulary rich in this theme: along with the two Mutios, it holds Paris de Puteo, Duello: libro de re, imperatori, prencipi, Signori, Gentil' huomini, & de tutti Armigeri... (Vinegia: Pietro de Nicolini da Sabbio, 1536); I tre libri de Messer Giovan Battista Susio, della ingiustitia del duello... (Vinegia: Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, et Fratelli, 1555); Il duello di M. Dario Attendolo (Venetia: Francesco Lorenzini, 1560; and second copy: Vinegia: Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, 1562); Il duello di Messer Giovan Battista Pigna (Vinegia: Rutilio Borgominerio da Trino, 1560); Antonio Massa da Gallesse, Contra l' uso del duello (Venetia: Michele Tramezino,1565); and Dialogo dell' honore di M. Gio. Battista Possevini...nel quale si tratta con bell'ordine, dottamente, a pieno, & con molta chiarezza del duello, della nobilitá, de gradi d' honore (Venetia: Francesco Sansovino, 1568). ... (Vinegia: Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, et Fratelli, 1555); Il duello di M. Dario Attendolo (Venetia: Francesco Lorenzini, 1560; and second copy: Vinegia: Gabriel Giolito de Ferrari, 1562); Il duello di Messer Giovan Battista Pigna (Vinegia: Rutilio Borgominerio da Trino, 1560); Antonio Massa da Gallesse, Contra l' uso del duello (Venetia: Michele Tramezino,1565); and Dialogo dell' honore di M. Gio. Battista Possevini...nel quale si tratta con bell'ordine, dottamente, a pieno, & con molta chiarezza del duello, della nobilitá, de gradi d' honore (Venetia: Francesco Sansovino, 1568).

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