Petrarca, Francisco. Los seys triunfos. Translated by Antonio de Obregón. Logroño: Arnao Guillen de Brocar, 1512.

Petrarch was a founder and great representative of the European humanist movement. His poem Trionfi, written in the vernacular (Toscano) between the years 1350 and 1370, traced the evolution of the human soul in its progress from youthful carnal concerns toward fulfillment in God. The "six triumphs" are of love, chastity, death, fame, time and divinity. The first lightly annotated edition of the Trionfi was made by Antonio da Tempo in 1471. In 1475 Bernardo da Pietro Lapini da Montalcino (also "Glicino" or "Illicino") published the most influential of the early commentaries, bound together with the Canzoniere. Illicino established a tradition of interpreting the poem as an allegory of the human soul.

The Spanish translation of the Seys triunfos by Antonio de Obregón included Illicino's commentaries. It was printed in Logroño (Spain) in 1512 by the prestigious Arnao Guillén de Brocar, founder of printing in that city in 1503. Brocar printed his first incunabulum in Pamplona in 1490. In 1514 he printed the so-called Complutensian Polyglot New Testament in Alcalá: the first Spanish book printed in Greek characters. His edition of Petrarch's Trionfi is considered one of his finest works.

The first English translation of the Trionfi, made by Lord Morley, was printed by 1553-56. This rare book was recently reprinted and edited by D. D. Carnicelli (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971) with introduction, illustrations and a bibliography listing "commentaries, editions and translations of Petrarch."

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