Symbols included upon this page are variations of the fess, chevron, and other charges. Some symbols, like the bordure and its variations, could exist both as the charge itself or as a border around the charge.
Page 1: pale, fess, cross, and bordure
Page 2: chief, bend, bend sinister and saltire
Page 3: chevron and pile (see also Chevron Variations); special variations of the standard ordinaries;
Page 4: diminutives; geometric divisions of the field; geometric objects on the field
Chevron and Pile
engrailed (left)
invecked (right)
embattled (left)
embattled counter‑embattled (right)
indented (left)
dancetté (right)
Similar to indented (at left), but with a wider space between points.
Similar to indented (at left), but with a wider space between points.
wavy (left)
nebuly (right)
raguly (left)
dovetailed (right)
Special Variations of the Standard Ordinaries
Pale, Fess and Bordure Variations
pale rayoneé
fess couped
fess wreathed
bordure per pale
bordure tierced in pairle
bordure quartery
bordure gyronny of eight
bordure compony
bordure counter‑compony
bordure chequy
tressure flory counter‑flory
an escutcheon within a bordure
Bend, Bend Sinister and Saltire Variations
bend barry
bend compony
bend lozengy
baton sinister
saltire parted and fretty
Chevron Variations
chevron quarterly
chevron rompu
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