Antonio de Torquemada. Iardin de Flores Curiosas. Leyda: Pedro de Robles, y Ioan de Villanueua, 1573.

Torquemada was notorious in Spanish letters between 1553 and 1570. He was well known for his Coloquios satíricos, con un Coloquio pastoril y gracioso al cabo dellos (Mondoñedo: Agustín de la Paz, 1553) and his chivalric novel Historia del invencible caballero don Olivante de Laura (Barcelona: Claudio Bornat, 1564).

The Jardín de flores curiosas ("Garden of peculiar flowers"), is a miscellaneous book in six treatises on general matters, social recommendations, popular science and superstitions. Two of Torquemada's books, El Jardín and the chivalric novel were condemned in Cervantes' Don Quixote;. Nevertheless, Torquemada was included in the 18th century Spanish Dictionary of Authorities of the Language.

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