Vatican II Collection

The Vatican II Collection includes more than 1,400 documents divided into two major sections. The first section consists of working drafts, voting summaries, news service reports and other documents that were circulated during the four sessions that comprised the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). The second section contains copies of most of the schemata generated by the post-conciliar commissions responsible for implementing liturgical reforms.
The bulk of the materials in the collection were donated by Rev. John Rotelle, O.S.A., in 1984. Previously, Rev. Mark G. McGrath, C.S.C., and Rev. Edward L. Heston, C.S.C., had donated their collections of draft schemata of the conciliar documents to the University Libraries. These schemata were bound and cataloged; their holdings overlap to a great extent the schemata included with Rev. Rotelle's donation, but the conciliar documents finding aid provides a complete inventory of all copies of the schemata.
Finding lists for both the conciliar and post-conciliar series are available as Adobe Acrobat PDF files below. The finding lists for both may also be consulted in the Special Collections Reading Room [Reference BX 830 1962 .A48 V37 1991].
Finding Lists for the Conciliar Documents Series
- Title Page
- Introduction
- Container List
- Communications Pertaining to Collection
- Preliminary Schemata
- Paul VI
- Miscellaneous Booklets
- Ordo Concelebrationes et Methodus Servanda
- De Sacra Liturgia
- De Divina Revelatione
- De Ecclesia
- De Indulgentiis Recognoscendis
- De Matrimonii Sacramento
- De Educatione Christiana
- De Ecclesia in Mundo Huius Temporis
- De Apostolatu Laicorum
- De Instrumentis Communcationes Sociales
- De Activitate Missionali Ecclesiae
- De Oecumensimo
- De Ecclesiis Orientalibus Catholicis
- De Ecclesiae Habitudine ad Religiones Non-Christianas
- De Libertate Religiosa
- De Institutione Sacerdotali
- De Pastorali Episcoporum Munere in Ecclesia
- De Cura Animarum
- De Presbyterorum Ministerio et Vita
- De Accommodata Renovatione Vitae Religiosae
- Commissio "De Religiosis"
- Miscellaneous notices, summaries and speeches
- News Service Summaries
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