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Irish Rebellion of 1798

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Over eighty titles in the Rare Book Collection pertain to the events preceding, during, and following the Irish Rebellion of 1798. Included are pamphlets, memoirs, biographies, histories, three contemporary newspapers, and a complete set of the Irish Parliamentary Debates as well as court proceedings and parliamentary reports. The collection was acquired by purchase in 1989/90.

A classified bibliography of titles

Table of Contents

I. Publications Preceding the Rebellion


Locke, John. Two treatises of government; in the former, the false principles & foundation of Sir Robert Filmer & his followers, are detected & overthrown; the latter is an essay concerning the true original, extent & end of civil government. 5th ed. London: Bettesworth, 1728.

[The second treatise has extensive marginal annotations by an early owner, Robert Emmet, according to a note made in the flyleaf in 1917 by the donor, Thomas Addis Emmet, M. D.]


Beresford, John. The correspondence of the Right Hon. John Beresford, illustrative of the last thirty years of the Irish parliament; selected from his original papers, and edited, with notes, by his grandson, William Beresford. London: Printed by Woodfall and Kinder, 1854.


Wyvill, Christopher. A collection of letters on the proposed reformation of the Parliament of Ireland containing the first letter of the Committee of Belfast to the Rev. Christopher Wyvill: and all the letters which have been addressed by him to that Committee to which is prefixed his address to the freeholders of Yorkshire. York: W. Blanchard, 1783.


The Volunteers journal, or, Irish herald. Dublin: P. Donnelly, 1783-1784.

Ireland. Parliament. House of Commons. The parliamentary register; or, History of the proceedings and debates of the House of Commons of Ireland. Dublin: J. Porter, 1784-96?


An Impartial sketch of the debate in the House of Commons of Ireland, on a motion made on Friday, August 12, 1785, by the Rt. Hon. Thomas Orde, secretary to the Rt. Hon. Charles Manners, Duke of Rutland, Lord Lieutenant, for leave to bring in a Bill for Effectuating the Intercourse and Commerce Between Great Britain and Ireland…. Dublin: White, 1785.


Barber, Samuel. Remarks on a pamphlet entitled the present state of the Church of Ireland by Richard, lord bishop of Cloyne / By Samuel Barber, minister of the Presbyterian congregation of Rathfryland. Dublin: P. Byrne, 1787.


Strictures on the declaration of the society instituted for the purpose of promoting unanimity amongst Irishmen and removing religious prejudices. Dublin: White, 1791.


Tone, Theobald Wolfe. An argument on behalf of the Catholics of Ireland. Dublin: Re-printed by order of the United Irishmen, 1792.


MacKenna, Theobald. An essay on Parliamentary reform : and on the evils likely to ensue from a republican constitution in Ireland. Dublin : Printed for John Rice, 1793.


Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Secret Committee on Seditious Societies. The first and second reports from the Committee of Secrecy of the House of Commons … : to which is added The first and second reports of the Secret Committee of the House of Lords, with appendixes. Dublin : Printed by P. Byrne, 1794.


Carlisle, Frederick Howard, Earl of, (1748-1825). A letter from the Earl of Carlisle to Earl Fitzwilliam, in reply to his Lordship's two letters. Dublin: Exshaw, 1795.

Fitzwilliam, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, Earl, (1748-1833). First letter. A Letter from Earl Fitzwilliam, recently retired from this country, to the Earl of Carlisle: explaining the causes of that event. London: G.G. and J. Robinson & J. Debrett>, 1795.

Fitzwilliam, William Wentworth Fitzwilliam, Earl, (1748-1833). Second Letter. A letter from Earl Fitzwilliam, who recently retired from Ireland, to the Earl of Carlisle, explaining the causes of that event. Dublin, printed; London: Reprinted, and sold by G.G. and J. Robinson and J. Debrett, Piccadilly, 1795.

Ireland. Parliament. House of Commons. A report of the debate in the House of Commons of Ireland, on the bill, presented by the Right Hon. Henry Grattan, "for the further relief of his majesty's Popist or Roman Catholic subjects." : to which is annexed, an appendix: containing the Catholic petition, and an authentic copy of the bill which was the subject of debate. Dublin: Chambers, 1795.


Extracts from the Press : a newspaper published in the capital of Ireland, during part of the years 1797 and 1798, including numbers sixty- eight and sixty-nine, which were suppressed by order of the Irish government before the usual time of publication. Philadelphia : printed by William Duane, [1802?].

The Press. Dublin: P. Finnerty, [etc., 1797-1798].


Clare, John Fitzgibbon, Earl of, (1748-1802). The speech of the Right Honourable John, Lord Baron Fitzgibbon, (now Earl of Clare,) Lord High Chancellor of Ireland, : delivered in the House of Peers, on the second reading of the bill for the relief of His Majesty's Roman Catholic subjects, March 13th, 1793 ... Dublin: Milliken,1798.

Clare, John Fitzgibbon, Earl of, (1748-1802). The speech of the Right Honourable John, Earl of Clare ... in the House of Lords of Ireland, Monday, February 19, 1798, on a motion made by the Earl of Moira. Dublin: printed for John Milliken ; London : reprinted for J. Wright, 1798.

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II. Aftermath of the Rebellion

A. Government Reports


Considerations on the situation to which Ireland is reduced by the government of Lord Camden. Dublin: G. Grierson, 1798.

Ireland. Parliament. House of Commons. Report from the Committee of Secrecy, of the House of Commons in Ireland / as reported by the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Castlereagh, August 21, 1798. London: Printed for J. Debrett and J. Wright, 1798.

Ireland. Parliament. House of Commons. The report from the Secret Committee of the House of Commons, with an appendix. Dublin: Printed by James King and A. B. King, 1798.


Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Committee of Secrecy. Report of the Committee of secrecy of the House of commons, to whom the several papers, referred to in His Majesty's message of the 22d of January 1799 ... were referred; and who were directed to examine the matters thereof, and report the same, as they shall appear to them, to the House. London: Wright, 1799.

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B. Trials and Proceedings


Ridgeway, William. A report of the proceedings in cases of high treason, at a special commission of Oyer and Terminer : held in and for the county and city of Dublin, in the month of July 1798 / by William Ridgeway, Esq., Barrister at Law. Dublin: Printed by John Exshaw, 1798.

Ridgeway, William. A report of the trial of John M'Cann : upon an indictment for high treason. Dublin: Printed by John Exshaw, 1798.

Ridgeway, William. A report of the trial of Michael-William Byrne : upon an indictment for high treason. Dublin: J. Exshaw, 1798

Roche, Edmond. Proceedings of a court-martial held at the council-chamber in the City of Cork on Edmond Roche, Esq. on Monday, August 13, 1798 and the succeeding days. Cork: Harris, 1798.


Byrne, William. The tryal of William Byrne of Ballymanus County of Wicklow, Esq. : on charges of being a principal leader in the late rebellion ... held before a military tribunal at Wicklow, by order of Major General Eustace ; on Monday the 24th of June and continued by adjournment to the 2d of July, 1799 ... Dublin : Printed by William M'Kenzie ..., 1799>.


Ridgeway, William. A report of the proceedings in cases of high treason at a Court of Oyer and Terminer : held at the new Sessions House under a special commission, in the month of August and September, 1803 / by William Ridgeway ... . Dublin: Exshaw, 1803.


Hay, Edward. Narrative of the proceedings of the commissioners of the suffering loyalists : in the case of Capt. Philip Hay, of the 18th Light Dragoons : with remarks thereon / by George, Earl of Kingston. Dublin: C. La Grande, 1807.

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III. Memoirs, Biographies, and Collected Works


Coigly, James. The life of the Rev. James Coigly : observations upon his trial, an address to the people of Ireland, and several interesting letters, all written by himself during his confinement in Maidstone Gaol. London: 1798.

Jackson, Charles. A Narrative of the sufferings and escape of Charles Jackson, late resident at Wexford, in Ireland. Including an account, by way of journal, of several barbarous atrocities committed in June, 1798 by the Irish rebels in that town while it was in their possession; to the greater part of which he was an eye-witness. London: Galabin, 1798.


Smith, William Cusack, Sir. Animadversions on the speeches of Mr. Saurin and Mr. Bushe, &c. &c. / By William Smith, Esq. Dublin: Marchbank, 1800.

Stock, Joseph. A narrative of what passed at Killalla, in the country of Mayo, and the parts adjacent, during the French invasion in the summer of 1798. By an eyewitness. London: Reprinted for J. Wright and J. Hatchard, 1800.


Emmet, Thomas Addis. Memoire, or, detailed statement of the origin and progress of the Irish union: delivered to the Irish government, by Messrs. Emmett, O'Connor, and M'Nevin; together with the examinations of these gentlemen before the secret committees of the Houses of Lords and Commons, in the summer of 1798. London: Robinson, 1802.


Hardy, Francis. Memoirs of the political and private life of James Caulfield, earl of Charlemont, knight of St. Patrick, by Francis Hardy. London: T. Cadell and W. Davies, 1810.


O'Regan, William. Memoirs of the legal, literary, and political life of the late the Right Honourable John Philpot Curran, once master of the rolls in Ireland: : comprising copious anecdotes of his wit and humour; and a selection of his poetry. : Interspersed with occasional biography of his distinguished contemporaries in the Senate and at the bar. / By William O'Regan, Esq. ... London: Printed for James Harper ... and Richard Milliken ... Dublin., 1817.


Curran, William Henry. The life of the right honourable John Philpot Curran, late master of the rolls in Ireland / by his son, William Henry Curran. Edinburgh: A. Constable and Co. ; London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, and Hurst, Robinson, and Co., 1819.


Grattan, Henry. Miscellaneous works of the Right Honourable Henry Grattan. London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown; 1822.


Tone, Theobald Wolfe. Life of Theobald Wolfe Tone ... written by himself, and continued by his son; with his political writings, and fragments of his diary ... his mission to France: with a complete diary of his negotiations to procure the aid of the French and Batavian republics, for the liberation of Ireland; of the expeditions of Bantry bay, the Texel, and of that wherein he fell. Washington: Gales & Seaton, 1826.


Teeling, Charles Hamilton. Personal narrative of the "Irish rebellion" of 1798. By Charles Hamilton Teeling. London: Printed for the author, 1828.


Cloney, Thomas. A personal narrative of those transactions in the county Wexford, in which the author was engaged, during the awful period of 1798, interspersed with brief notices of the principal actors in that ill-fated but ever-memorable struggle, with reflections, moral, political and historical. By Thomas Cloney. To which is added an appendix, containing a full and interesting report of the author's trial by court-martial. Which lasted by adjournments, for fourteen days; -- never before published. Dublin: printed for the author by J. McMullen, 1832.

Another copy signed by the author.


Holt, Joseph. Memoirs of Joseph Holt, general of the Irish rebels, in 1798 / edited from his original manuscript in the possession of Sir William Betham, by T. Crofton Croker. London : H. Colburn, 1838.


Grattan, Henry. Memoirs of the life and times of the Rt. Hon. Henry Grattan. By his son, Henry Grattan. London: Colburn, 1839.

Reynolds, Thomas. The life of Thomas Reynolds, Esq. / by his son Thomas Reynolds. London: Hooper ; Dublin: Milliken and Son,1839.


Grattan, Henry. The speeches of the Right Hon. Henry Grattan : to which is added his letter on the union, with a commentary on his career and character / by Daniel Owen Madden. Dublin: J. Duffy, 1853.


Leadbeater, Mary Shackleton. The Leadbeater papers; The annals of Ballitore, by Mary Leadbeater, with a memoir of the author: Letters from Edmund Burke heretofore unpublished: and the correspondence of Mrs. R. Trench and Rev. George Crabbe with Mary Leadbeater. London: Bell and Daldy, 1862.

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IV. The Union, 1800


Cooke, Edward. Arguments for and against an union between Great Britain and Ireland, considered. Dublin printed; London re-printed for J. Wright ..., 1798. Jebb, Richard. A reply to a pamphlet : entitled, Arguments for and against an Union / by Richard Jebb, Esq. Dublin: Printed for William Jones, 1798.

Taaffe, Dennis. The probability, causes, and consequences of an union between Great Britain and Ireland, discussed: : with strictures on an anonymous pamphlet, in favour of the measure, supposed to be written by a gentleman high in office. / By the Rev. Dennis Taaffe. Dublin: J. Hill ..., 1798.

Weld, Matthew, Esq. No Union! : being an appeal to Irishmen / by Matthew Weld ... Dublin: Fitzpatrick ..., 1798


Auckland, William Eden, 1st baron. Substance of the speech of Lord Auckland, in the House of peers, April 11, 1799, on the proposed address to His Majesty, respecting the resolutions adopted by the two houses of Parliament, as the basis of a union between Great Britain and Ireland. London : Wright, 1799.

Castlereagh, Robert Stewart, Viscount. A Report of two speeches delivered by the Rt. Hon. Lord Viscount Castlereagh : in the debate on the regency bill on April 11th, 1799. Dublin: Printed by Graisberry & Campbell, 1799.

The commercial system of Ireland reviewed and the question of union discussed, in an address to the merchants, manufacturers and country gentlemen of Ireland. Dublin: Moore, 1799.

The Constitution, or, the Anti-union evening post. Dublin: J. Shea, 1799-1800.

Friend to Ireland. ... An address to the people of Ireland, against an Union : in which a pamphlet entitled Arguments for and against that measure , is considered ; with considerable alterations and additions / by a Friend to Ireland. Dublin : Printed by J. Stockdale, 1799.

Goold, Thomas. An address to the people of Ireland on the subject of the projected Union / by Thomas Goold. Dublin: J. Moore, 1799.

Ireland. Parliament. House of Commons. A report of the debate in the House of Commons of Ireland : on Tuesday and Wednesday the 22nd and 23d of January, 1799 ; on the subject of an Union. Dublin: Moore, 1799.

MacKenna, Theobald. Constitutional objections to the government of Ireland by a separate legislature : in a letter to John Hamilton, Esq. occasioned by his remarks on a Memoire on the projected Union / by Theobald M'Kenna, Esq. Dublin: Fitzpatrick, 1799.

Minto, Gilbert Elliot, Earl of. The speech of Lord Minto, in the House of Peers, April 11, 1799 : on a motion for an address to His Majesty to communicate the resolutions of the two houses of Parliament, respecting an union between Great Britain and Ireland. London: Printed for John Stockdale, Piccadilly, 1799.

Necessity of an incorporate union between Great Britain & Ireland proved from the situation of both kingdoms : With a sketch of the principles upon which it ought to be formed. Second edition. Dublin: Printed for J. Milliken, 1799.

Oriel, John Foster, Baron. Speech of the Right Honorable John Foster, : speaker of the House of Commons of Ireland, delivered in Committee of the whole house on Thursday the 11th day of April, 1799. Dublin: : Printed for James Moore ..., 1799.

Orr, Robert. A review of the speech of the Right Hon. William Pitt, in the British House of Commons, on Thursday, January 31st, 1799. By Robert Orr, Esq. Dublin: J. Stockdale, 1799.

Philosopher. A demonstration of the necessity of a legislative union of Great Britain and Ireland : involving a refutation of every argument which has been or can be urged against that measure / by a philosopher. Dublin : Printed and sold by the booksellers, 1799.

Pitt, William. The speech of the Right Hon. William Pitt : in the British House of Commons, on Thursday, January 31, 1799. Dublin: Grierson, 1799.

Rudd, Pemberton. An answer to the pamphlet, entitled Arguments for and against an union, &c. &c. in a letter addressed to Edward Cooke, Esq., secretary at war / by Pemberton Rudd, Esq., barrister at law. Dublin: Printed for J. Milliken,1799.

Sidmouth, Henry Addington, Viscount. ... Substance of the speech of the Right Honourable Henry Addington, Speaker of the House of Commons : on the 12th of February, 1799, in the Committee of the Whole House, to whom His Majesty's most gracious message on the 22d January, relative to Ireland, was referred. Dublin: Printed for J. Milliken, 1799.


Cusack-Smith, William, Sir. Letter to Henry Grattan, Esq. M.P. &c. &c. &c. Dublin : Marchbank, 1800. An exposition of the principal terms of union, and its probable effects on Ireland. Dublin : Printed for J. Milliken ..., 1800.

Farmer and trader. A letter to the farmers & traders of Ireland, on the subject of union / by a Farmer and Trader. Dublin : Printed for the author, 1800.

Freeman of Dublin. An appeal to the loyal citizens of Dublin / by a freeman of Dublin. Dublin : Printed by John Milliken ..., 1800.

Grattan, Henry. An answer to a pamphlet: entitled, The speech of the Earl of Clare on the subject of a legislative Union between great Britain and Ireland. By Henry Grattan, Esq. Dublin: Printed for J. Moore, 1800.

Lattin, Patrick. Observations on Dr. Duigenan's Fair representation of the present political state of Ireland : particularly, with respect to his strictures on a pamphlet, entitled The case of Ireland reconsidered / by Patrick Lattin, Esq. London: Sold by J. Debrett, Piccadilly, 1800.

Leader, Nicholas Philpot. ... An address to the merchants, manufacturers, and landed proprietors of Ireland : in which the influence of an Union on their respective pursuits is examined ; and in which the real reciprocal interests of Great Britain and Ireland are candidly and impartially discussed / by Nicholas Philpot Leader, Esq. Dublin: Printed for James Moore, 1800.

Oriel, John Foster, Baron. Speech of the Right Honorable John Foster, speaker of the House of Commons of Ireland, delivered in committee on Wednesday, the 19th of March, 1800. Dublin: Printed for J. Moore ..., 1800.

Protestant ascendancy and Catholic emancipation reconciled by a legislative Union : with a view of the transactions in 1782, relative to the independence of the Irish Parliament, and the present political state of Ireland, as dependant on the Crown, and connected with the Parliament of Great Britain ; with an appendix. Dublin : J. Milliken, 1800.

A Reply to the speech of the speaker, as stated to have been delivered on the 17th of February, 1800. Dublin: Rea ..., 1800.

A report of the debate in the House of Commons of Ireland, on Wednesday and Thursday, the 5th and 6th of February, 1800 : on delivering a message from His Majesty on an Union. Dublin: printed for J. Moore, 1800.

A report of the debate in the House of Commons of Ireland on Wednesday and Thursday, the 15th and 16th of January, 1800 : on an amendment to the address moved by Sir Laurence Parsons on the subject of an union. Dublin : Printed for J. Moore, 1800.

Smith, William Cusack, Sir. Animadversions on the speeches of Mr. Saurin and Mr. Bushe/ By William Smith, Esq. Dublin: Marchbank, 1800.


Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Commissioners of compensation under the union compensation act of Ireland. III, c 34, by all persons claiming compensation, in consequence of their offices being discontinued or diminished in value by the union: and of the evidence laid before the said commissioners in support of such claims. Dublin? , 1805.

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Commissioners of compensation under the union compensation act of Ireland. A return, presented to the House of Commons (from the commissioners under act 40, Geo III, cap 34) of all claims for compensation : on account of representative franchises which they have admitted, to what amount, and under what conditions they have compensation awarded, and what claims for allowances, on a similar account, they have disallowed and rejected. Dublin, 1805.

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Commissioners of compensation under the union compensation act of Ireland. Further proceedings of the commissioners under the union compensation act of Ireland : offices. Dublin? : 1805.

Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Commissioners of compensation under the compensation act of Ireland. Further proceedings of the commissioners under the union compensation act of Ireland : boroughs et cetera. Dublin?: 1805.

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V. Histories


Musgrave, Sir Richard, 1st bart. Memoirs of the different rebellions in Ireland, from the arrival of the English: also, a particular detail of that which broke out the XXIIId of May, MDCCXCVIII; with the history of the conspiracy which preceded it... By Sir Richard Musgrave. Dublin: Marchbank, 1801.

Townshend, Thomas, Member of the Irish Parliament. General opinions on the conduct of ministers with respect to the past and present state of Ireland : and inculcating the justice and policy of Catholic emancipation / by Thomas Townshend, Esq., barrister at law, and a member of the Irish Parliament. Dublin: Printed for J. Moore, 1801.

Townshend, Thomas, Member of the Irish Parliament. Part of a letter to a noble earl : containing a very short comment of the doctrines and facts of Sir Richard Musgrave's quarto; and vindicatory of the yeomanry and Catholics of the city of Cork / By Thomas Townshend, Esq. barrister at law and a member of the Irish Parliament. Dublin: Fitzpatrick, 1801.


Musgrave, Richard, Sir. Observations on the Reply of the Right Reverend Doctor Caulfield, Roman Catholick bishop, and of the Roman Catholick clergy of Wexford, to the misrepresentations of Sir Richard Musgrave, bart., and on other writers who have animadverted on the "Memoirs of the Irish rebellions" ... Dublin: Marchbank, 1802.


Gordon, James. History of the rebellion in Ireland, in the year 1798, &c. containing an impartial account of the proceedings of the Irish revolutionists, from the year 1782, till the suppression of the rebellion / by the Rev. James Gordon. The second ed., with considerable additions; and a preface containing a reply to the observations of Sir Richard Musgrave, upon this work. London: J.D. Dewick, 1803.

Plowden, Francis. An historical review of the state of Ireland, from the invasion of that country under Henry II. to its union with Great Britain on the 1st of January, 1801 ... By Francis Plowden. London: Roworth, 1803.


Plowden, Francis. A postliminious preface to the historical review of the state of Ireland / by Francis Plowden, Esq. containing a statement of the author's communications with the Rt. Hon. Henry Addington, and some of his colleagues, upon the subject of that work; some strictures upon the falsities of the British Critic and other anonymous traducers of the Irish nation; and also some observations on Lord Redesdale's letters to the Earl of Fingall. Dublin: Fitzpatrick, 1804.


Plowden, Francis. An historical review of the state of Ireland, fom the invasion of that country under Henry II. to its union with Great Britain on the first of January 1801 ... Philadelphia: M'Laughlin, and Bartholomew Graves, 1805-06.


Mac Neven, William James. Pieces of Irish history, illustrative of the condition of the Catholics of Ireland. New-York: Dornin, 1807.


Hay, Edward. History of the Irish insurrection of 1798, giving an authentic account of the various battles fought between the insurgents and the king's army, and a genuine history of transactions preceding that event. With a valuable appendix. By Edward Hay... to which have been added abstracts from Plowden, Teeling Gordon, and Madden. N.Y. : Kenedy, 1812? - - Building 14, 3rd/4th semester home


Teeling, Charles Hamilton. Sequel to Personal narrative of the "Irish rebellion" of 1798. Belfast: John Hodgson, 1832.


Carey, Mathew. Vindiciae hibernicae. Philadelphia: R. P. Desilver, 1837.


Corrigan, S. L. A new and improved history of the rebellion in Ireland in the year 1798 : abridged from the most authentic sources : with an appendix containing a history of the Orange Association, &c., &c. / by S.L. Corrigan. Belfast: James Wilson, 1840.


Hay, Edward. History of the Irish insurrection of 1798 : giving an authentic account of the various battles fought between the insurgents and the King's army : and a genuine history of transactions preceding that event : with a valuable appendix / by Edward Hay. Dublin: Duffy, 1842 (Dublin : J. Folds, Sons, and Patton)


Madden, Richard Robert. The United Irishmen, their lives and times. London: J. Madden, 1842-46.


Teeling, Charles Hamilton. History of the Irish rebellion of 1798: : a personal narrative. Glasgow, Cameron, Ferguson & Company, 186?.


Palliser, F. W. The Irish rebellion of 1798. London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent, 1898.

Stead, W. T. (William Thomas). The centenary of 1798 : and its bearing on the practical politics of to-day / by W.T. Stead. London : Review of Reviews Office, 1898.


Sirr, Harry. Ipsissima verba : strictures on Dr. R.R. Madden's "United Irishmen" & Mr. W.J. Fiztpatrick's "Sham squire", with reference to the notices of Major Sirr ; with the conclusions of recent historians / by Harrry Sirr. London: Whitwell Press, 1911.

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