University of Notre Dame


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Rare Books & Special Collections

Würzburg Documents

Detail from a document in the Würzburg Documents Collection.

These documents, dating from 4 September 1711 to 22 December 1726, originate from the diocese of Würzburg. The time span covers three different Prince-Bishops: Johann Philipp von Greiffenclau zu Vollraths, Johann Philipp Franz von Schönborn, and Christoph Franz von Hutten. As Prince-Bishops, these leaders were responsible not only for the religious concerns of the community, but also for the social, economic, and political welfare of the state.

While the documents are, at this point, uncataloged, you can search them by subject and number.

Index by Subject

Through an examination of the documents, nineteen categories were developed to characterize the contents of the documents. Choose a link below for a category description and a list of related documents.

A guide to this collection is also available by document number.


For a collection of documents issued by the diocese of Würzburg, one might believe that most of them would pertain to a religious matter. In fact, this is one of the smaller categories. The documents in this category contain descriptions of funeral services, rules for fasting, and similar concerns.

Related Documents: 251o, 265o, 293o, 294o, 307o, 314o, 315, 319, 345, 350o, 379o, 408o, 415, 423


This category contains documents relating to the three popes (Clement XI, Innocent XIII, Benedict XIII) who ruled from 1711 to 1726. Most are papal decrees.

Related Documents: 362, 409o, 426oo, 443o, 367, 425o, 430, 460o


This broad category contains decrees mostly concerning cattle and crops (fruit and grain). In addition to agricultural products, topics represented here include imports, exports, pricing, and disease.

Related Documents:: 252o, 253, 258o, 259, 260o, 261, 262o, 263o, 264, 266, 281, 283, 285oo, 289, 296o, 297, 298o, 332, 358, 377o, 380o, 391o, 401o, 415, 416, 428, 431, 433o, 435, 436, 438, 439, 444, 453, 454, 455, 464o, 473, 475, 476, 484o, 488


All decrees relating to disease, whether in humans or animals, are listed here. Also included are decrees relating to sanitation.

Related Documents: 252o, 253, 259, 260o, 261, 262o, 263o, 264, 266, 267, 268oo, 269, 270, 273, 275o, 276o, 277, 278, 279, 281, 282, 301, 302, 303, 330o, 335, 347, 354o, 365, 366m, 372m, 373, 380o, 384o, 392o, 407o, 416, 417, 439, 490, 495o


These documents give instructions and laws relating to hunting, including the use of dogs.

Related Documents: 250o, 256o, 320, 349, 352, 358, 371, 481, 485


Because of the numerous wars occurring between 1711 and 1726, there are several documents in the collection that pertain to local and foreign soldiers.

Related Documents: 286o, 291o, 339, 368o, 376, 400o, 420, 426oo, 450o, 468, 469, 496


These documents give laws governing beggars and also instruct others in the treatment of beggars.

Related Documents: 275o, 277, 291o, 301, 303, 334, 336, 337, 341, 346, 397, 402, 405, 417, 472o


These decrees give laws pertaining to thievery and also warn citizens of dangerous bands of thieves reported in the area.

Related Documents: 257o, 298o, 299, 336, 337, 338, 340, 346, 349, 352, 353, 371, 394, 399, 402, 405, 491, 492o


Jews and gypsies are the two largest groups of people included in this category. All decrees that do not simply list these groups among the list of towns people are included here.

Related Documents: 262o, 267, 269, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275o, 277, 278, 280oo, 291o, 301, 303, 306o, 337, 338, 339, 340, 346, 370, 381o, 397, 399, 404o, 413, 417, 424o, 446, 477, 489, 492o


These are the death notices of the Bishops, Pope Clement XI, and other important people.

Related Documents: 315, 317, 319, 323o, 362, 367, 421o, 422, 423

Secondary Decrees

These are decrees issued by another authority that are being "rebroadcast" in Würzburg.

Related Documents: 268oo, 280oo, 285oo, 286o, 292oo, 295o, 378o


This category includes the setting of prices, importation and exportation of goods, and other general business concerns.

Related Documents: 285oo, 287o, 290o, 296o, 300o, 306o, 307o, 308o, 309o, 310o, 312o, 322o, 326o, 328o, 331o, 332, 333o, 347, 348, 355o, 359, 360, 361o, 368o, 378o, 389, 391o, 392o, 414, 429, 433o, 444, 446, 447, 451o, 452, 453, 454, 457o, 458o, 459m, 462, 465, 466, 471o, 473, 474, 476, 478o, 482, 483, 486o, 487o, 494, 497


Most of these regulations concern coinage. Some establish "exchange" values, while others announce counterfeits. Many contain pictures.

Related Documents: 288o, 292oo, 295o, 311o, 378o, 385o, 432, 437, 456o, 463, 470


A lottery was conducted in 1724. These three documents give rules and regulations.

Related Documents: 410m, 410oo, 418


All decrees relating to the assessing, collection, and paying of taxes are included here.

Related Documents: 257o, 304, 313o, 313.5, 334, 406, 412, 414, 419, 434, 459m


This, the largest category, includes not only decrees that establish fines and punishments for different crimes, but also legal decrees of a more general nature, such as building and fire ordinances.

Related Documents: 250o, 257o, 258o, 280oo, 287o, 289, 291o, 294o, 296o, 299, 300o, 304, 307o, 308o, 309o, 310o, 313o, 313.5, 321, 322o, 329, 331o, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 340, 341, 345, 349, 350o, 351, 352, 353, 354o, 355o, 356, 358, 361o, 364, 369, 370, 371, 375, 380o, 381o, 382o, 386o, 389, 390, 393, 394, 396o, 397, 398o, 400o, 401o, 403, 404o, 406, 407o, 412, 413, 414, 415, 419, 420, 427o, 431, 434, 435, 436, 438, 446, 447, 448, 450o, 451o, 452, 454, 455, 456o, 457o, 458o, 459m, 464o, 465o, 471o, 472o, 474, 475, 478o, 479o, 480, 481, 482, 484o, 485, 486o, 487o, 489, 490, 491, 493o, 494, 495o, 496, 497

Justice System

These documents give instructions for public officials and lawyers. Guidelines for the treatment of witnesses are also included here. None of these documents are included in the Jurisprudence category.

Related Documents: 254, 324, 325, 327o, 342, 343, 344, 357o, 383, 387, 388, 395, 399, 402, 405, 440, 441o, 442, 445


These documents stood out in their uniqueness of topic, so have been granted their own category. These documents give instructions for what to do during a predicted solar eclipse.

Related Documents: 297, 416, 439


Documents listed in this category are different from the others in some way. The following represent some of the possible reasons for inclusion here:

  1. the document was issued by someone other than current the Bishop of Würzburg,
  2. the contents of the document did not fit into one of the other eighteen categories,
  3. the printing is of a different format than the other documents,
  4. the document is a form to be completed.

There are two other documents in the collection. These two are so different that they are not included in the above categories or descriptions. One article is a portion of what might have been a book printed in Leipzig in 1602. The other article is similar to the Würzburg decrees described above, but this decree is handwritten, bears a seal, and is dated 1799 from Munich.

Related Documents: 253, 255o, 266, 271, 272, 284, 286o, 291o, 299, 305, 313.5, 316o, 317, 318, 319, 320, 346, 364, 386, 390, 393, 421o, 422, 423, 424o, 425o, 459m, 461h, 467, 492o

Three documents from the numbered series are missing: 363, 374, and 449.

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Index by Number

It would appear that these documents were originally issued individually. Relatively near to the time of issue, it seems these documents were bound together chronologically in one or more books. Instead of numbering each page, however, each document was given one number, regardless of the number of pages it contained. Before the collection was received by the library here, most of the documents had been separated back into single issues. The numbering system used in the presumed book format has been retained here as the item number for each document. The numbers range from 250 to 497.

The documents appear in four basic sizes. The standard size is a half sheet of paper, 21 cm x 34 cm. (Sometimes this is a folded full sheet of paper.) Letters are used to indicate the other three sizes. A full sheet of paper, 42 cm x 34 cm, is indicated by a single letter o (ex. 409o). Those few documents that are larger than a full sheet are indicated by a double letter o (ex. 426oo). The letter m is used to designate those documents smaller than the standard half sheet, approx. one quarter page in size, 16.5 cm x 19.5 cm (ex. 366m). The one document marked with an h (461h) was originally a standard half sheet; it was folded in half at some point, split into two parts, and is now only a quarter page (missing the left half page).

A guide to this collection is also available by subject.

Number Date Subjects
250o 4 Sep 1711 Jurisprudence, Hunting
251o 29 Oct 1711 Religious
252o 23 Nov 1711 Agriculture, Health
253 1711 Agriculture, Health, Miscellaneous
254 19 Dec 1711 Justice System
255o [n.d.] Miscellaneous
256o 23 May 1712 Hunting
257o 25 June 1712 Jurisprudence, Thieves, Taxes
258o 17 Aug 1712 Agriculture, Jurisprudence
259 23 Sep 1712 Agriculture, Health
260o 7 Oct 1712 Agriculture, Health
261 12 Oct 1712 Agriculture, Health
262o 4 Nov 1712 Agriculture, Health, Immigrants
263o 7 Dec 1712 Agriculture, Health
264 11 Dec 1712 Agriculture, Health
265o 1 Feb 1713 Religious
266 1712 Agriculture, Health, Miscellaneous
267 2 Sep 1713 Health, Immigrants
268oo 2 Sep 1713 Health, Secondary Decrees
269 2 Sep 1713 Health, Immigrants
270 [n.d.] Health
271 1713 Immigrants, Miscellaneous
272 17?? Immigrants, Miscellaneous
273 7 Sep 1713 Health, Immigrants
274 13 Sep 1713 Immigrants
275o 15 Sep 1713 Health, Immigrants, Beggars
276o 23 Sep 1713 Health
277 27 Sep 1713 Health, Immigrants, Beggars
278 13 Nov 1713 Health, Immigrants
279 16 Nov 1713 Health
280oo 20 Feb 1714 Immigrants, Jurisprudence, Secondary Decrees
281 26 Mar 1714 Health
282 21 Apr 1714 Health
283 14 May 1714 Agriculture
284 8 June 1714 Miscellaneous
285oo 11 June 1714 Commerce, Secondary Decrees
286o [1?] July 1714 Soldiers, Secondary Decrees, Miscellaneous
287o 28 July 1714 Commerce, Jurisprudence
288o 8 Aug 1714 Currency
289 8 Aug 1714 Jurisprudence
290o 15 Sep 1714 Commerce
291o 12 Nov 1714 Soldiers, Immigrants, Jurisprudence, Beggars, Miscellaneous
292oo 17 Nov 1714 Secondary Decrees, Currency
293o 4 Feb 1715 Religious
294o 21 Feb 1715 Religious, Jurisprudence
295o 9 Mar 1715 Secondary Decrees, Currency
296o 25 Apr 1715 Commerce, Jurisprudence
297 27 Apr 1715 Agriculture, Eclipses
298o 13 May 1715 Agriculture, Thieves
299 30 July 1715 Jurisprudence, Miscellaneous, Thieves
300o 14 Aug 1715 Commerce, Jurisprudence
301 26 Aug 1715 Health, Immigrants, Beggars
302 31 Aug 1715 Health
303 1 Oct 1715 Health, Immigrants, Beggars
304 7 Oct 1715 Jurisprudence, Taxes
305o 18 Apr 1716 Miscellaneous
306o 20 Jan 1717 Commerce, Immigrants
307o 17 Mar 1717 Religious, Commerce, Jurisprudence
308o 9 July 1717 Commerce, Jurisprudence
309o 31 Jan 1718 Commerce, Jurisprudence
310o 31 Jan 1718 Commerce, Jurisprudence
311o 12 Feb 1718 Currency
312o 29 July 1718 Commerce
313o 9 Aug 1718 Jurisprudence, Taxes
313.5 1718 Jurisprudence, Miscellaneous, Taxes
314o 21 Jan 1719 Religious
315 3 Aug 1719 Religious, Obituaries
316o 4 Aug 1719 Obituaries, Miscellaneous
317 4 Aug 1719 Obituaries, Miscellaneous
318 4 Aug 1719 Miscellaneous
319 9 Aug 1719 Religious, Obituaries, Miscellaneous
320 14 Aug 1719 Hunting, Miscellaneous
321 4 Nov 1719 Jurisprudence
322o 30 Dec 1719 Commerce, Jurisprudence
323o 12 Feb 1720 Obituaries
324 19 Feb 1720 Justice System
325 [n.d.] Justice System
326o 1 Mar 1720 Commerce
327o 27 Mar 1720 Justice System
328o 10 Apr 1720 Commerce
329 13 Apr 1720 Jurisprudence
330o 16 Apr 1720 Health
331o 30 Apr 1720 Commerce, Jurisprudence
332 4 May 1720 Agriculture, Commerce
333o 6 May 1720 Commerce
334 7 May 1720 Jurisprudence, Beggars, Taxes
335 11 May 1720 Health, Jurisprudence
336 13 May 1720 Jurisprudence, Beggars, Thieves
337 28 June 1720 Immigrants, Jurisprudence, Beggars, Thieves
338 6 July 1720 Immigrants, Jurisprudence, Thieves
339 12 July 1720 Soldiers, Immigrants
340 31 July 1720 Immigrants, Jurisprudence, Thieves
341 22 Aug 1720 Jurisprudence, Beggars
342 2 Sep 1720 Justice System
343 1720 Justice System
344 [1624??] Justice System
345 [n.d.] Religious, Jurisprudence
346 7 Oct 1720 Immigrants, Beggars, Miscellaneous, Thieves
347 10 Oct 1720 Health, Commerce
348 12 Oct 1720 Commerce
349 4 Nov 1720 Jurisprudence, Hunting, Thieves
350o 22 Nov 1720 Religious, Jurisprudence
351 2 Dec 1720 Jurisprudence
352 14 Dec 1720 Jurisprudence, Hunting, Thieves
353 24 Dec 1720 Jurisprudence, Thieves
354o 10 Jan 1721 Health, Jurisprudence
355o 28 Jan 1721 Commerce, Jurisprudence
356 1 Feb 1721 Jurisprudence
357o 19 Feb 1721 Justice System
358 28 Mar 1721 Agriculture, Jurisprudence, Hunting
359 31 Mar 1721 Commerce
360 31 Mar 1721 Commerce
361o 2 Apr 1721 Commerce, Jurisprudence
362 5 Apr 1721 Papal, Obituaries
363 5 Apr 1721 MISSING
364 6 Apr 1721 Jurisprudence, Miscellaneous
365 16 Apr 1721 Health
366m 16 Apr 1721 Health
367 10 May 1721 Papal, Obituaries
368o 23 June 1721 Commerce, Soldiers
369 23 July 1721 Jurisprudence
370 5 Aug 1721 Immigrants, Jurisprudence
371 11 Aug 1721 Jurisprudence, Hunting, Thieves
372m 10 Oct 1721 Health
373 11 Oct 1721 Health
375 24 Nov 1721 Jurisprudence
376 30 Dec 1721 Soldiers
377o 2 Jan 1722 Agriculture
378o 15 Jan 1722 Commerce, Secondary Decrees, Currency
379o 15 Jan 1722 Religious
380o 3 Feb 1722 Agriculture, Health, Jurisprudence
381o 4 May 1722 Immigrants, Jurisprudence
382o 8 May 1722 Jurisprudence
383 8 May 1722 Justice System
384o 20 May 1722 Health
385o 22 May 1722 Currency
386o 22 May 1722 Jurisprudence, Miscellaneous
387 5 June 1722 Justice System
388 [?] June 1722 Justice System
389 [?] June 1722 Commerce, Jurisprudence
390 17 July 1722 Jurisprudence, Miscellaneous
391o 29 July 1722 Agriculture, Commerce
392o 18 Aug 1722 Health, Commerce
393 22 Aug 1722 Jurisprudence, Miscellaneous
394 13 Oct 1722 Jurisprudence, Thieves
395 13 Oct 1722 Justice System
396o 2 Dec 1722 Jurisprudence
397 3 Dec 1722 Immigrants, Jurisprudence, Beggars
398o 4 Feb 1723 Jurisprudence
399 4 Feb 1723 Immigrants, Thieves, Justice System
400o 10 Mar 1723 Soldiers, Jurisprudence
401o 3 Apr 1723 Agriculture, Jurisprudence
402 5 June 1723 Beggars, Thieves, Justice System
403 5 June 1723 Jurisprudence
404o 16 Aug 1723 Immigrants, Jurisprudence
405 18 Aug 1723 Beggars, Thieves, Justice System
406 1 Sep 1723 Jurisprudence, Taxes
407o 7 Dec 1723 Health, Jurisprudence
408o 4 Feb 1724 Religious
409o 6 Mar 1724 Papal
410m 16 Mar 1724 Lottery
411oo 24 Mar 1724 Lottery
412 6 Apr 1724 Jurisprudence, Taxes
413 24 Apr 1724 Immigrants, Jurisprudence
414 25 Apr 1724 Commerce, Jurisprudence, Taxes
415 10 May 1724 Agriculture, Religious, Jurisprudence
416 11 May 1724 Agriculture, Health, Eclipses
417 27 May 1724 Health, Immigrants, Beggars
418 7 July 1724 Lottery
419 24 July 1724 Jurisprudence, Taxes
420 26 July 1724 Soldiers, Jurisprudence
421o 19 Aug 1724 Obituaries, Miscellaneous
422 19 Aug 1724 Obituaries, Miscellaneous
423 23 Aug 1724 Religious, Obituaries, Miscellaneous
424o 31 Aug 1724 Immigrants, Miscellaneous
425o 9 Oct 1724 Papal, Miscellaneous
426oo 10 Oct 1724 Papal, Soldiers
427o 15 Nov 1724 Jurisprudence
428 22 Nov 1724 Agriculture
429 22 Nov 1724 Commerce
430 2 Jan 1725 Papal
431 5 Feb 1725 Agriculture, Jurisprudence
432 7 Mar 1725 Currency
433o 14 Mar 1725 Agriculture, Commerce
434 15 Mar 1725 Jurisprudence, Taxes
435 20 Mar 1725 Agriculture, Jurisprudence
436 28 Mar 1725 Agriculture, Jurisprudence
437o 10 Apr 1725 Currency
438 14 Apr 1725 Agriculture, Jurisprudence
439 18 Apr 1725 Agriculture, Health, Eclipses
440 18 Apr 1725 Justice System
441o 3 May 1725 Justice System
442 17 May 1725 Justice System
443o 19 May 1725 Papal
444 6 June 1725 Agriculture, Commerce
445 22 June 1725 Justice System
446 25 June 1725 Commerce, Immigrants, Jurisprudence
447 26 June 1725 Commerce, Jurisprudence
448 18 July 1725 Jurisprudence
449 31 July 1725 MISSING
450o 4 Aug 1725 Soldiers, Jurisprudence
451o 16 Aug 1725 Commerce, Jurisprudence
452 31 Aug 1725 Commerce, Jurisprudence
453 1 Sep 1725 Agriculture, Commerce
454 17 Sep 1725 Agriculture, Commerce, Jurisprudence
455 19 Dec 1725 Agriculture, Jurisprudence
456o 12 Jan 1726 Jurisprudence, Currency
457o 18 Feb 1726 Commerce, Jurisprudence
458o [?] Mar 1726 Commerce, Jurisprudence
459m 15 Mar 1726 Commerce, Jurisprudence, Miscellaneous, Taxes
460o 16 Mar 1726 Papal
461h 13 Apr 1726 Miscellaneous
462 [?] Apr 1726 Commerce
463 24 Apr 1726 Currency
464o 24 Apr 1726 Agriculture, Jurisprudence
465o 27 Apr 1726 Commerce, Jurisprudence
466 6 May 1726 Commerce
467 6 May 1726 Miscellaneous
468 6 May 1726 Soldiers
469 6 May 1726 Soldiers
470 13 May 1726 Currency
471o 14 May 1726 Commerce, Jurisprudence
472o 20 May 1726 Jurisprudence, Beggars
473 3 June 1726 Agriculture, Commerce
474 4 June 1726 Commerce, Jurisprudence
475 8 June 1726 Agriculture, Jurisprudence
476 22 June 1726 Agriculture, Commerce
477 26 June 1726 Immigrants
478o 27 June 1726 Commerce, Jurisprudence
479o 27 June 1726 Jurisprudence
480 31 July 1726 Jurisprudence
481 1 Aug 1726 Jurisprudence, Hunting
482 9 Aug 1726 Commerce, Jurisprudence
483 16 Aug 1726 Commerce
484o 3 Sep 1726 Agriculture, Jurisprudence
485 4 Sep 1726 Jurisprudence, Hunting
486o 24 Sep 1726 Commerce, Jurisprudence
487o 1 Oct 1726 Commerce, Jurisprudence
488 14 Oct 1726 Agriculture
489 19 Oct 1726 Immigrants, Jurisprudence
490 26 Nov 1726 Health, Jurisprudence
491 28 Nov 1726 Jurisprudence, Thieves
492o 11 Nov 1726 Immigrants, Miscellaneous, Thieves
493o 5 Dec 1726 Jurisprudence
494 13 Dec 1726 Commerce, Jurisprudence
495o 17 Dec 1726 Health, Jurisprudence
496 18 Dec 1726 Soldiers, Jurisprudence
497 22 Dec 1726 Commerce, Jurisprudence