University of Notre Dame


Hesburgh Libraries

Rare Books & Special Collections

Hockey World

Note: This page is a finding aid to the issues of Hockey World held in the Joyce Sports Research Collection in the Department of Special Collections, Hesburgh Libraries of Notre Dame. Materials may be consulted in 102 Hesburgh Library.

Title: Hockey World
Publisher: Montreal: Ken-Will Publishing
Publication History: 7 issues/yr, 1966/67; 8 issues/yr, 1967/68; 7 issues/yr, 1968/69; 8 issues/yr, 1969/70-1974/75; 7 issues/yr, 1975/76

Joyce Series No.: HKY270
Location: Department of Special Collections, 102 Hesburgh Library

Box 1

Vol 1, no 1 (May 1966) - vol 3, no 1 (Oct 1967)
Vol 3, no 3 (Dec 1967) - vol 4, no 3 (Dec 1968)

Box 2

Vol 4, no 4 (Jan 1969) - vol 5, no 7 (Apr 1970)
Vol 6, no 6 (Mar 1971)
Vol 7, no 1 (Oct 1971) - vol 7, no 2 (Nov 1971)
Vol 7, no 3 (Feb 1972)
Vol 8, no 2 (Nov 1972) - vol 8, no 5 (Feb 1973)